Neko Emoji-43 (Sneaky) [V3]Jerikuto on DeviantArt

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Neko Emoji-43 (Sneaky) [V3]


Badge Awards


 Saotome Otome (Feeling Loved)  Guide Here  Guide Please Read  Shizuku (Happy-go-lucky girl) 

 Hibi DokeiPlease (Onegai)  Aoki Lapis (Excited) 

:iconjerikuto: Guide How to use 

Step #1: Click the white space in the comment box or reply button first in order for the "Add Media" to show up.

Step #2: Click "Add Media"

Step #3: Go to the right side (where the media section pops up) and click any emoticons you want.

Step #4: Search "Anime Emoji" for shortcut quick list. You can also search it using the title or if you want, my username for random emoticons and they will be there. Click your choice and enjoy~

Note: All emotes can be access without V 1, V 2, V 3, and so on Llama Emoji-23 (Shyness) [V1]

Optional: Use acronyms that were included in the description, then character's name.

To use them in for chat room, copy the thumb and paste it there 

Here's a guide for chat room:

  (・v・)ノChat Room Guide (Click here)(・w・)ゞ 

   Arrow Right to Left    No "Add Media" Issue     Arrow Left to Right 

I don't really know what's causing the problem but according to dA Help Desk, this problem may be caused by extensions or add-ons from your browser. Take a look at the link which ones are causing issues, thank you~

(┌・。・)┌ Click here for the Extension and Programs Related Problems \(^ω^\)

Use Google Chrome if you want a browser that is always updated~

Bunny Emoji-28 (Waving) [V2] :iconsaysplz: Thank you  :iconsays2plz:Panda Emoji-02 (Cute Waving) [V1] 

Got permission to expand them and easy accessible, follow the site to support more of these~

Cute adorable sneaky sneak  neko cat kitty kitten 

( ´ ▽ ` )ノ Credits:

Got permission from Chinese Font Design to use~

Image size
61x40px 6.12 KB
© 2015 - 2025 Jerikuto
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