Deviation Actions
Step #1: Click the white space in the comment box or reply button first in order for the "Add Media" to show up.
Note: All emotes can be access without V 1, V 2, V 3, and so on
To use them in for chat room, copy the thumb and paste it there
Here's a guide for chat room:
(・v・)ノChat Room Guide (Click here)(・w・)ゞ
Note: Since there's a limit of 20-24 in the emoticon search, I will include another batch with V 1, V 2, V 3, and so forth so that you can search them all
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ Credits:
The amazing creator: huiro-chan
huiro's Weibo Site (Go watch her please if you like her lovely creation )
Emoji Collections found here:
Super Kawaii Emoticon
Here's the account on dA:
This is my new favourite emote, thank you so much. HEHEHEHEHEHE