Danielle's Revenge [3 Variants]JennyGirlArt on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jennygirlart/art/Danielle-s-Revenge-3-Variants-851919499JennyGirlArt

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Danielle's Revenge [3 Variants]



[Me - JennyGirI]
[OC Danielle - killerfrost2020]

= First Part =
Torturing Danielle by JennyGirI


= Oiled Foot =
Danielle's Revenge (Oiled Foot) by JennyGirI

= Moisture Cream Foot =
Danielle's Revenge (Moisture Cream) by JennyGirI

= Buttered Foot=
Danielle's Revenge (Butter) by JennyGirI

It was stupid of me to try and prank Danielle with the tickle belt, and not expect some form of repercussion. Danielle doesn't take kindly to being tickled against her will, so she took her revenge on me...

She wasn't gentle either, she didn't just tickle me, she completely tortured me! Danielle forcefully strapped the belt around my waist, and switched it to MAX setting, while grabbing my ankles and locking them in her iron grip. She unclipped my heel and pulled it off my foot, placing it on the bed, before rapidly stroking her blue nails on my soles, focusing her attention mainly on the ball of my foot... That fleshy pad beneath my toes is my most ticklish spot on my entire body. 

I burst into tears and howled out with laughter, but Danielle didn't seem to let up one bit. Every time I tried to pull my feet back, Danielle's grip would only tighten around my ankle, with perfect sync... I was unable to escape, only forced to endure this torture... But this isn't revenge, it's overkill.
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