Happy Early Birthday, Jennie Lukovic. If I misspelled your name in any way whatsoever, I beg and beseech thee to both inform me of what/where and to forgive me my goof-up. Sincerely one of your hopefully entirely too many fans; Adalack.
Happy Early Birthday, Jennie Lukovic. If I misspelled your name in any way whatsoever, please do inform me of what/where and please do forgive me my goof-up, I beg you. Sincerely one of your hopefully entirely too many fans; Adalack.
Thank you very much Adalack. I haven't been really active on dA lately, but I've got some new stuff coming up. Thank you so much for the compliments. Seems like you love Buffy too !
You're most welcome. I do understand the being away with real life, I recently graduated from a vocational school- that took an entire year, October to October inclusive, so I understand being occupied with real life. As always, your works are exquisite in quality; please do keep them up. This message kind of got lost in my mailbox, but I recently found it again. That's why I'm replying now, some years afterward. Sincerely one of your hopefully entirely too many fans; Adalack.