Hello all and welcome to SkyAndNatureClub's "Holiday Pets" contest. This contest will challenge YOU, the photographer, to present a photograph that highlights your animal companions in all their holiday finery! We hope that after reading through this journal, you'll be excited to show us your best and participate. 

What Entries are Acceptable?
For your entry to be considered, your deviation must meet the following requirements:
- Entries will be accepted from December 6, 2015 through 11:59 pm PST on January 9, 2016.
- Photography only. One entry per deviant. Photomanipulations will not be accepted.For the purpose of this contest, a photomanipulation is considered to be a piece that contains elements from more than one photograph or other piece.
- Entry must include a holiday pet. The photograph can be anything suitable for the Animals, Plants, & Nature photography category as long as the main subject is an animal and the piece is holiday themed! You'll only be able to submit one piece so choose wisely!
--> Exception: We understand that not everyone has a pet. To allow non-pet owners to participate, you are also allowed to create your own holiday pet and prepare a photograph of it. However, your created pet must be constructed from things found in nature (sticks, rocks, moss, etc.). Created-pet entries may be submitted to the Still Life photography category. - The deviation must have been submitted to DeviantArt on or after September 1, 2015. We're looking for your newer work!
- Entry must be categorized into one of the subcategories of the Animals, Plants, & Nature photography gallery. (The exception being "created" pets, which may be submitted to Still Life photography)
To Enter:
We have some great prizes lined up, check 'em out.
First Place:
Journal feature by JenFruzz, Lintu47, & Queen-Kitty
Second Place:
Third Place:
Journal feature by JenFruzz, Lintu47, & Queen-Kitty