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jellosy's avatar

EASY Saitama Cosplay Tutorial




3.5m of yellow fabric (I used galaxy twill, but use something stretchy if you can find it)

0.5m of white fabric (I used broadcloth because I had a bunch of broadcloth scrap)

A crap ton of yellow thread (You don't need THAT much, but being me, I had to re-sew a whole bunch of stuff)

White thread (Minimal amounts required)

A 9-inch grey zipper (8 inch works, 10 inch works, as long as it's close)


Onesie Tutorial Video


I really hope I didn't make this too confusing. It all makes sense to me, but if you need something explained better, just ask.

Saitama Scary Icon Saitama Sleeping Icon Saitama Saitama One Punch Man - Saitama  (Happy)  V1 One Punch Man - Saitama (Waking Up) V1 
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595x3231px 515.46 KB
© 2016 - 2024 jellosy
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StuffEaterFromSpace's avatar
This was super useful! Thanks a bunch - you're the hero here :>