Unity - 20th Century BoysJellomix on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jellomix/art/Unity-20th-Century-Boys-94349747Jellomix

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Unity - 20th Century Boys



I don't think too many people read 20th Century Boys but it's still a great manga series. And don't judge the art until you're 2 volumes through!


So, this pic is a remake of a particular scene I really liked. It's when Kanna and her friends are waiting at the office square for the Chinese and Thai mofias to show up. Right when they think no one is going to show up, a huge group of people start walking in.

You can't save the world by yourself, guy.
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900x1159px 185.82 KB
© 2008 - 2025 Jellomix
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Gurdim's avatar
that manga is awesome! Naoki Urasawa is one of the best manga artist to make vast cast - long time spanning thriller complex stories :D like Monster, this, or Pluto, or Happy!... wait the last one isn't a thriller, even if it has a lot of bad karma in it xD

ever seen Master Keaton, a older work of him? it's really good :)

Also i think there are very few mangakas as good as Urasawa in making stories and characters in the western world that are believable xP (it's nitpicking, but seeing in a manga italian people who actually feel like proper italian people personally is something refreshing... MAMMA MIAAAAAAAA! xD... ok scratch that last part... :|)

sorry talked a lot about the original manga, but i want to mention that your piece is really well made and gives perfectly the author's style vibe :)