Twisted Princess: Mulanjeftoon01 on DeviantArt

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Twisted Princess: Mulan

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Here's my latest princess. She's my new favorite. I hope you guys like her.

The story behind her design is the Huns destroy Mulan's village, killing everyone...including her. Her ancestors send Mushu to retrieve the spirits of their fallen family. Upon collecting Mulan's spirit, she begs Mushu to restore her spirit to her body so she can defeat the Huns and avenge the death of her family. Mushu does so, but in order to bring her back to life, he must fuse his body with hers. When he does, he becomes a living tatoo on her body, his appearance altered by Mulan's rage and hatred for the Huns.

So Mulan is essentially a zombie fueled by revenge hahaha.
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2550x3300px 654.8 KB
© 2009 - 2025 jeftoon01
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I love your twisted princesses series it's cool I love her design