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jeftoon01's avatar

Twisted Princess: Megara



FINALLY!!!!! I finished Meg! Sorry to keep everyone waiting but here she is in all of her glory! I really hope you guys like her.

OK, so the story behind my design for Meg is Hercules didn't make it to her soul in time and died trying to save her. Hercules's death fulfilled Meg's contract with Hades and so Hades restored her soul to her body and freed her. Meg was shattered at the loss of her true love and would do anything to get him back (which I know got her into her initial dealings with Hades to begin with :P). But she knew Hercules was different and that he would be true to her no matter what. The Fates saw the situation that Meg was in and offered her a deal. If Meg agreed to become the Keeper of the Eye, then they would restore life to Hercules. Meg accepted without hesitation. The eye of fate was then sewn into her head and she became their slave. Almost immediately, life was restored to Hercules. However, he came back as an animated corpse without a soul. But even without a soul, his undying love for Meg still shined through his undead shell and he remained by her side for eternity. The Fates did tell Meg that there WAS a way to restore his soul, but the only person that could do it was Hades....

Dun dun dun, I wonder what she'll do to get Hercules's soul back from Hades...CLIFFHANGER! hahaha
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RedPandarushi's avatar

Seems these two exited the Lazarus Pit too early