Jeffrey-Scott's avatar


Jeffrey Scott Milik
327 Watchers227 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
  • Apr 23
  • United States
  • Deviant for 15 years
  • He / Him
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (95)
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (2)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
My Bio

Current Residence: USA
Favorite genre of music: Rave

Favourite Visual Artist
Van Gogh
Favourite Movies
Back to the Future
Favourite Games
The Legend of Zelda
Other Interests
Flying, Fencing, Martial Arts, Piano, Drawing, Painting, Graphic Design.

Drawing Deeper

0 min read
I want to "draw deeper" is actually a double meaning. I want to draw on my feelings more to bring more depth to my artwork, but I also want to draw with a deeper concept in mind. I realize that half of my artwork is fan art. And I have a lot of fans of my fan art, so I will continue to work on those and bring those deeper meanings to the table. Deeper drawing can bring out more memorable and impactful works. I am an author now, with a book that has several of my drawings within (Heaven's Blade: When Destiny Calls). And I will continue to do works in this way as well. I draw & paint whatever inspires me, whether it be Avatar the Last Airbender, The Flash, Video Game characters, or Ancient Calligraphy. Like many people I want to leave a legacy when I die. I want to be remembered for what I do, and inspire others to love art and grow. I know I am blessed to be able to contribute whatever light and color I can to this world.
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I've been doing artwork for a very long time, ever since I was a kid.  It seems like ages have passed. Art is relaxing, art is inspiring, art is wondrous.  But to me one of the biggest aspects of art is its ability to transform our inner selves; a closer tie into our origins, for we are selves were created.Today Jan, 19 2012 we are given a free premium membership for a day. It comes with some nice perks so I thought I would add another journal entry. Looks like my artwork has been added to people's favorites 2,495 times.   One thing I would have to say about my artwork being appreciated by so many people, is I have a sense of accomplishmen...
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I checked how many people have favorited my artwork recently and it is now over 1,000.  It is hard to believe how far my artwork has come in the past few years, and I never imagined my art would be seen and appreciated by so many people in just a years time. I thought in the past that to have 1000 favorites means you are one of the big contributors to Deviant Art; now that I am one of them, I will have to live up to the expectations. Thank you all for the appreciation.I have not done much artwork these past 2 months, but I have some interesting concepts that have grown, and plan to share them.  Feel free to ask for any art ideas, and if I ...
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Profile Comments 136

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Thank you so much for the favorite!

You’re welcome. You’re artwork is good. I’m picky about what art I like too.

I really appreciate it

And thank you for sharing your artwork with the world.  It is very beautiful, I especially enjoy looking at those two.

may i ask you a request

Yes, but you're not there anymore.