Mass Effect Andromeda Timelinejeffmcdowalldesign on DeviantArt

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Mass Effect Andromeda Timeline



Timeline chart for Mass Effect Andromeda

Other graphics:

Mass Effect Andromeda - Starship Size Comparison by jeffmcdowalldesign Mass Effect Andromeda - Tempest Size Comparison by jeffmcdowalldesign  Osiris New Dawn - Gliese 581 Star System Chart by jeffmcdowalldesign Mass Effect Interact Tshirts by jeffmcdowalldesign
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1920x1080px 1.63 MB
© 2016 - 2025 jeffmcdowalldesign
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It would be possibly an interesting scenario: All civilizations in the milkyway are destroyed in the Reaper war, but the Andromeda Initiative is sucessfull.
A couple of centurys they start trying to communicate with the Milkyway and probably only get answer from one of Liara's emergency beacons/Time capsules or whatever she actualy had build in the end.

50000 years later, the Reapers come back to the Milky way... and get their asses handed by the Andromeda settlers with their 50000 year technology advancement + additional Remnant technology boost.

"Greetings Reapers, we were eagerly waiting for your arrival, lets give you something of your own medicine"