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JeffLafferty's avatar

Ghost Horse



I'm really not sure what to say about this one,...
It's always had a lot of meaning to me, a lot of memories attached to it,...
I finished it in 2000,... so a few years ago.
It's done in acrylics and color pencil.
I actually did two, the first I gave away as a gift,...
later, I painted this one, a second version, for myself.

Some memories are very hard to shake,...

Jeff Lafferty
Image size
1000x1466px 470.34 KB
© 2004 - 2024 JeffLafferty
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XRlS's avatar
this one is spectacular in ways more than just one. The feeling is right (sadness,loss,the things fading away and you cant do anything about it)
The colors i love :nod:
how much discipline i would need NOT to start highlighting things adding details if this was mine :giggle:
this is great Jeff. :thumbsup: