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JFotography by Jean Fan
437 Deviations

Kids are natural scientists.  Kids love to ask questions, look under rocks, take things apart and (sometimes) try to put them back together again. Unfortunately, starting from a young age, many kids, in particular girls and minorities, start to shy away from science, technology, engineering, and math or STEM subjects. This is in part due to the lack of women and minority role models who look like them in these fields. You can’t be what you can’t see!

I founded CuSTEMized to encourage kids, in particular girls and minorities, in science by providing picture storybooks that depict them in science careers. Thousands of free personalized ebooks and hundreds of free and discounted hard copies of our first personalized book, The Little Book of Big Dreams, have already inspired kids and classrooms around the world!

We are currently working on a new personalized storybook called My Colorful Future that will focus on teaching important applied science concepts as well as showcasing the real women and minority scientists behind it all! Please check out our Kickstarter campaign for more information.

We would greatly appreciate any help in sharing CuSTEMized as a resource for encouraging kids in science and the Kickstarter campaign. If you are an illustrator interested in getting involved, please contact me at

Thanks again for your help and support!

All the best,

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cuSTEMized is a non-profit that provides free motivational ebooks to encourage girls in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). What makes our book special is that each book is personalized using the girl's name and avatar. You can visit our website for more

We are currently looking for an artist to do illustrations for a number of STEM careers to be used in our personalized storybooks. Approximately 300 parents use our website to make personalized ebooks for their kids every month and we receive thousands of page views monthly. We would be more than happy to list you as the illustrator on all our books. We hope that this will be a fun experience and good opportunity for you to advertise as well as apply your skills to a worthy charitable cause.

Please contact if this is something you are interested in! 


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4 min read


Video with better audio haha:


In case anyone is interested in what I sound like in real life, check out the video in cuSTEMized's new Kickstarter campaign:…

For those who don't know, a group of friends and I recently launched cuSTEMized as a not-for-profit initiative to help girls envision themselves in STEM careers. We're currently seeking to raise funds through Kickstarter to implement a website that will allow parents to customize our book __'s Little Book of Big Dreams to have their daughter's name and general appearance.

If you could contribute a dollar, link to the Kickstarter campaign on your FB, ask potentially interested friends or family to donate, or anything, that'd be really great! All donors will be acknowledged on the final website. There are lots of other redeemable prizes too! Check it out!

:star: :star:

Photography is a serious hobby for me.

Outside of photography, I am currently pursuing my PhD at Harvard in bioinformatics, an interdisciplinary subject that combines computer science and biomedical engineering – both considered STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) subjects. I am the only girl in my program this year. Unfortunately, the lack of girls in STEM is not limited to my program; boys still largely outnumber girls in nearly all STEM fields, particularly in the United States:

According to the US Department of Commerce, girls (women, females, Homo sapiens with two X chromosomes) remain vastly underrepresented in STEM fields. Despite filling nearly half of all jobs in the US, girls hold less than 25% of STEM jobs. And despite the rising number of girls pursuing college degrees, girls hold a disproportionately low share of STEM degrees. The problem is multifold but studies suggest that it may start as early as grade school: girls are rarely encouraged to pursue STEM subjects or to envision themselves with STEM careers. Indeed, a recent study published in the Journal of Educational Psychology found that women are more likely to drop out of STEM fields because they lack a "self-concept" of themselves as scientists – they could not picture themselves in STEM!

Recently, I, along with a few friends, launched cuSTEMized, a not-for-profit initiative to help girls envision themselves in STEM and to encourage them to pursue STEM using customized education and outreach.

Our upcoming picture book makes your daughter (or niece, or you, or whoever) the hero of her own story in which she dreams of herself grown up in various STEM careers. A website will allow you to customize the book to have her name and general appearance with the help of avatars. You can then download the book (for free!) as a PDF and print it out yourself or contribute a donation to cover the costs of having the book printed and shipped.

Please support cuSTEMized and keep up with developments on Facebook:

Most importantly, talk to the little girls in your life and encourage them to consider STEM!


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Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone! 

I'm currently in the process of moving to Boston :phew: but Taiwan photos and other photos will be posted soon so stay tuned :D

Stay in touch on Facebook:

:hug: :blowkiss:

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Learn how to photograph eye reflections using this tutorial on…

The tutorial was recently featured on Gizmodo as a part of their Shooting Challenge:…

Try it out :highfive:

Some of my results:
allthatglittersisgold. by JeanFan 
Mescalination by JeanFan  between time and space by JeanFan  rosesrred. by JeanFan 

Other works to inspire you:
Reflection by LifeOfMadara Eye Reflection by adlforlife  Reflection by iilva 
Eclipse Of My heart by I-Heart-Photo  Roses Are Dead by I-Heart-Photo  As Seconds Fly by I-Heart-Photo 

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Personalized Storybooks For Kids by JeanFan, journal

Looking for illustrator for children's book! by JeanFan, journal

cuSTEMized by JeanFan, journal

Thanks everyone! by JeanFan, journal

Photograph Eye Reflections Tutorial by JeanFan, journal