JeanFan on DeviantArt

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JeanFan's avatar

GIMP Script - Vintage Wash and Ancient Warmth



Vintage Wash and Ancient Warmth GIMP Scripts available for download for free on my website JFotography
:star: Click here to download: [link] :star:

These GIMP scripts are free for any use. You may use these GIMP scripts in any commercial or non-commercial works. You may also adapt or derive new GIMP actions/scripts from these existing scripts. Please credit if you use or derive new GIMP scripts from these GIMP scripts.
GIMP is a free photo editing software and a great alternative to Photoshop. It's available for download here: [link] For simple contrast and color photography post-editing, GIMP will work just as well as Photoshop.

But if you're a Photoshop person:

Image size
800x971px 342.59 KB
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necklacemaker's avatar
ty for all the wonderful scripts! :)