Jean31 on DeviantArt

Deviation Actions

Jean31's avatar

Black And White



Black And White by Jean Billey | unleashedART

Since too many people never seem to notice the button to download, click here instead!

:bulletblue: This action converts your pictures to B&W using a technique by Russel Preston Brown.

:bulletred: Please :typerhappy: or :+fav: if you download. Thanks in advance!

:lightbulb: How to install the action:

Double click the .atn file and PS should add the action to your library automatically. At least this works in newer versions of PS.

Alternative method:
1. Put the .atn file from the zip in a directory of your choice. It does not need to be in the Photoshop directory.
2. Choose Load Actions from the Actions palette menu.
3. Select the action set file from the directory you saved it.
4. Click Load.
5. Have fun.

:bulletblue: Credits: Stock image by

:bulletgreen: Feel free to check out my other actions:
:bulletwhite: Eye Color
:bulletwhite: Skin Smoothing
:bulletwhite: Teeth Whitening
© 2007 - 2024 Jean31
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