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43 Deviations

All Yesterdays

1 min read
Hey palaeo deviantARTers, if you have been living under a social media rock for the last few days, you might not know that I have co-written and illustrated a book on dinosaur art which you might like. Find out more about it here: irregularbooks.co

Also, just a reminder, I don't upload to dA anymore, you should visit my site johnconway.co for details on how to keep up with my latest stuff.

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Leaving DA 4eva

1 min read
Okay, probably not really, but I noticed that I barely ever check dA. Partly this has to do with having two accounts, splitting my focus. So I've decided on a massive web simplification: I have a new website, johnconway.co , and I will be using the twitters to update nyctopterus. There will no longer be a split between palaeo, and non-palaeo stuff.

If you have a twitter account, follow me, because I have an embarrassingly small number of followers now (11). I'll even follow you back! Get it while it's hot

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2 min read
I thought after my last journal, I should clarify my position on the whole GSP dealy.

I think his statements on the extent of his copyrights are just wrong. Hilariously wrong.

On the other hand, I think his statements about his grandiose position in palaeontological art are true, especially if we consider dinosaurs. His influence is vast, as an excursion into the galleries of nearly all of you will attest. I even think the he is more influential, and better, than Charles Knight (gasp!).

I've never understood this reverence for Knight. It's like every time he's mentioned, we have to reaffirm him being the best palaeoartist of all time hallowedbehisnameamen. Horseshit. Knight sometimes drew living animals and mammals very carefully, but he was frequently lazy and cartoonish with his dinosaurs. As for his painting prowess, yeah sure the guy could paint, but compared to his influences in the late nineteenth century he was--at best--dull. He had a mediocre feeling for light, fussy uninspired brushwork, sometimes awkward posing, and very conventional compositions. Not that he didn't have him moments, but Greg's claim to be his equal or better is certainly plausible.*

So, yes, I think Grey can be silly, but making fun of his hubris flies in the face of how most of us have approached this whole palaeontology thing. Yes, he's an arrogant fuck. But shit, so what?

*To continue on the theme of Knight bashing, I think Doug Henderson is clearly better than him too.

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New Deal

1 min read
Okay, so it appears that some of you have been looking at some of my pictures here on dA without my permission, and without paying any royalties whatsoever. Since I am a reasonable man, I will let these past trespasses on my (copy)rights slide. In future, however, I will require £1 per glance at any of my artworks, plus an in-brain copying royalty of 10p per throught/memory recalled.

Please pay be through paypal and the email address below. Cheers!

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I've been a busy boy the last couple of months. I've been to two conferences Flugsaurier in Beijing in August, and SVPCA last week. I've also been preparing content for the launch of Ontograph Studios, including some spiffy animated paintings which should be appearing on dA at any moment (dA says it is 'preparing' them).

I've also been interviewed on Dave Hone's Archosaur Musings --  for godssake go over there and comment and make me look popular!

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All Yesterdays by jconway, journal

Leaving DA 4eva by jconway, journal

GSP by jconway, journal

New Deal by jconway, journal

Finally some new stuff by jconway, journal