JayToTheWorld on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jaytotheworld/art/Bonnie-Brewer-Pin-Up-101045129JayToTheWorld

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Bonnie Brewer Pin-Up



OK! I KNOW my Spanish is probably wrong! I took German in school! I asked a native speaker to translate "The Brewers keep turning up the heat!" and this is as close as she could get!

This is a piece I did awhile ago and posted on the art blog [link] I'm part of. I didn't like the girl's back leg, so I touched it up before posting here (I'm still not completely happy with it, but a total redo would be a real hassle.) I'm putting this on my dartboard cabinet. This was a pencil sketch, colored and "weathered" in Photoshop.

I came across the artwork Andres Garcia did for Carteles magazine and fell in love with the baseball pin-ups he did in the 50's. The Barrel-Man charicature I drew goes back to the Minor League Brewers back in the 40's. When I was a kid, there was a real Bonnie Brewer who would sweep off the bases and then give a kiss to the opposing team's 3rd base coach. Her real outfit was less risque.
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1278x1683px 814.16 KB
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RobbVision's avatar
I love this so much, one of my all time faves!!!!!!