JayToTheWorld on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jaytotheworld/art/2008-Christmas-Card-106360986JayToTheWorld

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2008 Christmas Card



Ah the joys of home ownership... To be fair, my wife always offers to help. Also, when the snow is deep, I use a snowblower. But I've only busted that out once this year.

This was a pencil drawing, colored in Photoshop. I tried to really amp up the shading, making everything indoors warm and everything outdoors cold. I still tinted the inside shadows blue and tried to make them very dramatic. Shadows cast by fires are usually so playful, dramatic and harsh.
Image size
1650x638px 232.18 KB
© 2008 - 2024 JayToTheWorld
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RobbVision's avatar
Freakin amazing Jay!!!

You are an ACE with color and drama. I love those shadows!

Oh man, gotta love the SF Starter Jacket!!!!!

Amazing job as always....INSTANT FAVE!