Jay-Michael-Lee on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jay-michael-lee/art/The-Hitman-Agency-Laptop-132331505Jay-Michael-Lee

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Jay-Michael-Lee's avatar

The Hitman Agency Laptop



I thought it would be cool if i customized my laptop to look like the one from HITMAN the game.
The skin on the outside was created in a 3D program called MAYA. I made the icons for my folders using a windows based icon maker,Illustrator & Photoshop.
and finally for the wallpaper i used a program called fraps to take some shots while in the game and then photoshoped them together so it looked like the agency mission screen.
I have also added sounds from the game as well as the music.
Finally, what is a HITMAN laptop with out the games. So i have installed all the awesome HITMAN games.
It was a fun little project.

Image size
2200x1700px 427.56 KB
© 2009 - 2024 Jay-Michael-Lee
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CaribouJack's avatar
Come on, share the files with us! It looks awesome:)