jaxraven's avatar


Demented Digital Domina
161 Watchers462 Deviations

Dull by Tenraitakikiri, literature

Deviation Spotlight

Llama: Llamas are awesome! (5)
My Bio

Current Residence: Portland, Oregon - the Weird is Here. ^.^
Favourite genre of music: I'll happily listen to everything from techno and punk to celtic, classical, 80's rock, and blues.
Favourite photographer: Anyone who will take requests!
Favourite style of art: Blends, collage work
MP3 player of choice: WinAmp
Skin of choice: ...yours? *chases with knife*
Favourite cartoon character: Excell (and her Emergency Food Supply)
Personal Quote: "That's not a carrot... put it back!"

Favourite Visual Artist
Currently, Ursulav. If you don't know who that is, you are missing out on a LOT.
Favourite Movies
Donnie Darko / Rainbow Brite And The Star Stealers
Favourite Writers
Charles De Lint / Terry Pratchett / Daniel Keys Moran
Tools of the Trade
Photoshop, any version I can get my grubby little paws on.
Other Interests
Violence, Kink, Fantasy, and Sparkly Things
So yeah, still kicking, still struggling with RL crap - degenerative spine disease and spinal arthritis, kidney stones, seizures, and migranes, whee.What I'm looking for is some inspiration. Have you come across, or written, a poem that you think I'd be the perfect person to illustrate it? Got an idea that you'd love to see me try? Is there some theme, or some favorite stock artist, you think I'd do well to play with? Please, leave me a message here or contact girl.with.ink on gmail (yes that's me, hihi) and I'll give it a try.Also, I would like to announce that I have gotten to sleep with, in the last few months, three of the most amazing...
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0 min read
Wow, been a long time... there's been news, most of it involving m'puppy being here for a couple months, Torian arriving in May, puppy returning sometime around June/July IIRC (he's back with his family in Boston for the moment, went back for a tournament or two and his bro's birthday), a new doctor, a nifty housemate added to the Petting Zoo, a lot of hamsters, a gorgeous Ball Python, and a rambunctious (which I totally misspelled, I think) dog forming the animal portion of said Petting Zoo at the moment, and......a new project! In addition, I'm back to working on Aisha and Songbird, doing a second draft of the booklet for the Shadow Taro...
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I need $400.It is urgent, it is not something I can avoid. It matters. It affects my health and well-being more than just about anything else ever will. It is complicated to try to explain, though some of you know the circumstances that have suddenly led to this.The money can and will be repaid within two months; I don't have two months though. I need it NOW. Right now. Today.I'm asking the world for help. Someone out there maybe is in a spot to loan me $400, or give me $400, or otherwise provide it. Someone. Anyone. Please.I am in need, and this once I am asking for something specific from the people who see this, not from the universe. H...
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Profile Comments 734

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You are still remembered, Ma’am.

Came by just to make myself cry, apparently. Your pet still misses you and will come back again ever so often.

Just came here to reminisce.
Your pet misses you dearly, Mistress.
It would be good for deviantart to have a way to mark someone's page when they have died.

Rest in peace, Lady Jaxravan.
try expressing love with out sex I bet you can not do it
:wave: Hi ! I used your stock here [link] . Thanks !!