Jasqreate on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jasqreate/art/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Skyward-Sword-291306717Jasqreate

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The Legend of Zelda - Skyward Sword


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A Link Between Worlds version: eternalegend.deviantart.com/ar…


Painter 11/Wacom tablet (All painted on the one layer).

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*** (I would mention "spoilers", but seeing as how you have to see the artwork first before reading the artist's comments…)

My interpretation of the world of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. I absolutely loved the game, so I wanted to create something as a "thank you" to Nintendo for it. :heart:

Everything was drawn from scratch. I could not put "everything" into this picture. Only the main events/areas/important characters /sidequests, whether it was small or major.

• Some characters were drawn more than once (for example, Groose and Ghirahim) because their roles and appearances in the story change.

• Despite there being four Silent Realms in the game, I only drew one of them to save some room, since each goal in each Silent Realm is exactly the same as the last one.

Important mentions:

A very special thank you to MasterSageComics for helping me with some minor edits/errors. Seriously I could not have done this without you. <3

Credit to Sarillini and the team for cracking the in-game Skyward Sword alphabet which I have used in some areas of the artwork. You can download it as a font here.--> Sarinilli.deviantart.com/art/S…


The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is © to the Nintendo company.
Image size
800x9333px 9.2 MB
© 2012 - 2024 Jasqreate
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Noodles-the-axolotl's avatar

This is beyond belief, it’s amazing even if you used multiple layers let alone only 1!