Haha.. I can't believe I just got my very first DD! I am quite over joyed right now!
I would like to give a special thanks to `Ginryuzaki (https://www.deviantart.com/ginryuzaki) for recommending this piece and :iconlaserbeast: for featuring it ! :D I am extremely grateful :)
:bigthumb384543269: <--- This piece received a DD if you haven't seen it yet :3
Also I recently just hit 500 watchers and now I'm quickly reaching 700 watchers thanks to this daily deviation!
Also I'd just like to thank everyone for all their support! This really is a huge mile stone for me, although many would think 500 watchers isn't much but to me that's quite a bit deal!
Haha yes, finally finished exams this past few weeks was pretty much all school, as I was finishing projects last minute, as well as late projects and studying for tests and exams. That was pretty much the reason why I haven't been posting anything lately :< Forgive me!! But now that its summer vacation I have 2 months dedicated to improving my art!! :D Anyways that was just a little quick update with whats going on in my life.
Also I just like to say thank you to all my watchers or just anyone who views my art :D These past few months have been pretty crazy for me as I gained quite a bit of followers (well for me its a lot). I am slowly
.-. Sorry for my absence.. I know I havent been posting much lately .-. This art block is killing me its lasting so long ;n;
Haven't been able to paint anything good lately hence the reason why I haven't been posting xD
Also I've been doing some traditional stuff lately (mostly just sketches and working on drawing cool poses and what not)
Annd... I've been trying to learn how to paint faces so i don't have to hide them through helmets and hoods xD However... I am failing quite terribly .-. Anyone know any good tutorials on painting faces? ;n;
Anyways.. that is all for now sorry for the lack of updates.