Celebration 5jasonpal on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jasonpal/art/Celebration-5-177783358jasonpal

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October 3, 2010
Celebration 5 by *jasonpal
From the suggester:
"This is one of the most incredible things I've ever seen - note that I didn't say one of the most incredible ART, because that would restrict it. I said this is incredible as everything. note the chronological order of the movies. the brilliant technique. the absurd number of pieces put in one."
Featured by rydi1689
Suggested by Mellime
jasonpal's avatar

Celebration 5



It occurred to me that I never showed the final art for the Celebration V print. This took 2 weeks to design and about 2 months to draw. I would have liked a little more time painting it but I got it done, thanks to a triple all-nighter. Thank you to all the attendees at Celebration 5 that came by and picked up a copy. I've been asked if the print is available, now that the show is over. The print is available through Star Wars shop at least for the next few days -perhaps longer if they choose to do so.
Here's the link: [link]
Image size
1271x612px 272.36 KB
© 2010 - 2025 jasonpal
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TheCapricaSix's avatar

Yes yes yes yes :clap: :clap::clap: