JasonMetcalf's avatar


Jason Metcalf
128 Deviations
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Deviation Spotlight

Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (80)
Pac-Man Cake: Looking to eat tiny ice cream scoops (5)
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (2)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
Snowball: Someone likes you, and it’s snow joke! (1)
My Bio

I'm a freelance illustrator residing in the beautiful Pacific Northwest always on the lookout for quality project and commission work.

I have a soft spot for high fantasy projects, especially with a spiritual undertone.

Website: jasonmetcalf-art.com www.jasonmetcalf-art.com/
For Commissions and project inquiries please email: jasonmetcalf21@gmail.com

Thanks much!


Current Residence: Pacific Northwest, USA
deviantWEAR sizing preference: XL
Favourite genre of music: Alt Rock
Shell of choice: dungeoness
Favourite cartoon character: Elmer Fudd

Favourite Visual Artist
Da Vinci, Mucha, Foster, Frazetta, Rockwell, Buscema, Turner, Finch, Lee, Silvestri, Reis, Hitch
Favourite Movies
300, Boondock Saints, Die Hard, Band of Brothers series, Old School, Legend, LOTR series, Empire
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
U2, Pixies, Dandy Warhols, Modest Mouse, Silversun Pickups, Smashing Pumpkins, Grant Lee Buffalo
Favourite Books
Game of Thrones, The Belgariad, Bridgeman's Human Machine
Favourite Writers
God, George R.R. Martin, David Eddings
Favourite Games
D&D - d20, WoW, Neverwinter Nights, Baldure's Gate
Favourite Gaming Platform
check this out: http://www.geekchichq.com/Co_Store/The_Showroom/The_Sultan/The_Sultan.html
Tools of the Trade
.03mm HB pencil, Hunts 102 crowquill, special ink mix
Other Interests
God, my wife, our dog, friends & fam, comics, art, sports, nature, music, movies, new places, di
Hope to see some of you at Emerald City Comicon next week! Table D-1 in Artist Alley - I will have sketch spots open and a ton of art on hand :)
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Whew! It's been a while gang! I've been grinding through commissions, sure and steady, and am almost 100% caught up for the first time in years! There is another list of a dozen or so who have been waiting for openings so those will get addressed, and hopefully all taken care of this year, hopefully by June/July. Also, still doing a bunch of cover work for a variety of indie and small publishers, always something fresh and different. War Angels has been a mainstay title, and will be doing more with them shortly. And, I have 4 shows booked so far for 2023 - Emerald City - Planet Comic Con - C2E2 - and Washington State Summer Con - if anyone wants a commission done, and want to take advantage of my preorder sales, please let me know ASAP and I can get you the details. Thanks all, I truly appreciate your following, looks, nods, comments and shares! Hope 2023 is starting off as well as it can for you all. Blessings, JM
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Hi Guys!Wow, it has been a WHILE since I've ventured onto the DA site and given you some info!I'm still staying busy with cover art for Zenescope, this year I was working on most of the Van Helsing series covers, VH vs. Frankenstein, VH vs. The Mummy of Amun Ra, and VH vs. The Werewolf!  I also did cover work for Valiant, some X-O Manowar and Bloodshot stuff, but I have since been told that they nixed their variant cover modus operandi and have opted instead to stick to just one cover per book, so those got 'filed away' somewhere in a vault.  I also let it be known that I was available to help out more indie's with their cover work, and pi...
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Profile Comments 248

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Happy Birthday tomorrow My man!
I am already in love with my Beasthunter art that I got at Dallas con. Thank you!
Happy B-Day, Jason!
Happy bday ^^
Early Birthday wishes to you next week Jason my man and may it be totally awesome!
Happy bday ^^