Hi all!
I am currently working on a paper for my digital media class that involves the subject of fan art and fan art law. I am looking for any artists interested in answering questions relating to it. the questions are optional for each one. it is also optional if you want your name used or to stay anonymous on the paper. If you are interested please answer the questions and message me or email me at jasonscholte@hotmail.com. I appreciate any input from anyone interested.
1. What are your thoughts on the state of fan art and laws currently?
2. Is fan art a considerable source of income for you?
3. Artists in the industry do fan art as one way to supplement income. Companies are currently all for fan art, but that can change. Do you think that artists employed by the companies should have the right to do fan art for their own personal gain?
4. Going further from the last question, there are companies who embrace fan art and some forbid it. With that kind of instability in the industry do you feel that it hinders you creatively?
5. How do you feel about fan art made of your own creations and if they make money off work they have drawn of your creations?
6. There is also the thought on who owns what when it comes to artwork done for companies that artists still hold. One point would be pages of comics that artists are allowed to keep and they sell off for profit. The characters of course are owned by the companies, but the artists did the work to create the pages. Who do you think should have possession on those pages and why?
7. Do you feel there are too many laws or not enough laws covering property rights, copyrights, and artist's work?
8. Any ideas you have on how the current situation with fan art needs to change?
9. Do you fear that companies might one day decide to crack down on people who do fan art?
10. If a crackdown ever happens would you be on the side of the artists, companies, or middle ground?
11. Is there anything you would like to add to this interview?