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okay I am getting sick and tired of technology. Anyone not using a message pigeon?!!?!!??
I am here right now about to scan in my image of spiderman for my artswap holiday thing I made and as usual with my luck my scanner went out on my printer/copier/scanner. So I apologize for the lateness and I will have it up as soon as I have it fixed.
I will also have some artwork I drew in my downtime I finally received. Thank you for the support and understanding.
I am here right now about to scan in my image of spiderman for my artswap holiday thing I made and as usual with my luck my scanner went out on my printer/copier/scanner. So I apologize for the lateness and I will have it up as soon as I have it fixed.
I will also have some artwork I drew in my downtime I finally received. Thank you for the support and understanding.
Looking for artists to interview about fan art law
Hi all!
I am currently working on a paper for my digital media class that involves the subject of fan art and fan art law. I am looking for any artists interested in answering questions relating to it. the questions are optional for each one. it is also optional if you want your name used or to stay anonymous on the paper. If you are interested please answer the questions and message me or email me at I appreciate any input from anyone interested.Thanks,
Jason1. What are your thoughts on the state of fan art and laws currently?2. Is fan art a considerable source of income for you?3. Artists in the industry do fan ...
Hi all!
I found out some disheartening news about my friend's situation so I come to all my fellow deviants. my peeps, homies, buddies, dudes!!!!!!!
My friend :devmechangel2002: is in need of some assistance from us in order to further her dreams. Now I know it is a rough time for everyone, but I wouldn't ask if I didn't feel it was worth it and this is worth it. So I am posting some links for her and please give whatever you can if you can. I will also take commissions to further my drawing rehab in return for donations to her if asked.thanks all!!!!She is selling cards on Ebay:
Here Her paypal for donations is - She...
New Sketches In My Scraps.
Hi all,I wanted to get on here and say my boy Dustor is in da hizzhouse!!!!! So chickity check him out at :iconDustyGrafix:and give him the props.I dropped some sketches in my scraps section that I have been messing with. If anyone could please check them out and tell me what I need to practice more on. Well I need to pass out so I can pass my microbiology test tomorrow/today. I'll go into details on WHAT CAN KILL YOU IN A VERY MESSED UP WAY!!!!!! tee hee heeNow on serious note,
:iconaeoline: is in need of some help. He has injured his back and everyone knows my history on this kind of injury and I have nothing but the up most sympathy for...
Help needed for artist, New stuff soon
Hi all,
Sorry I haven't posted anything on here. Up until now I was unable to post any of the photoshop work and Tshirts because of the agreements made. Any future work though I am going to be able to post. I am going through my classes at HCC here in Houston working on my web designing and Radiography courses. I have been able to get some basic figures down so far, but still need to work more on my 3/4 and hands. I will be posting some basic sketches and photoshop work hopefully next week. I need some serious critiques on them. I am also in works to start up some Tshirt brands with some others and hope my style on them takes off.Now on se...
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