Eowyn and the Nazguljasonjuta on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jasonjuta/art/Eowyn-and-the-Nazgul-211961826jasonjuta

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Eowyn and the Nazgul



A short while ago, the mighty Jon Schindehette set a Tolkien challenge on The ArtOrder [link] inspired by a post on Muddy Colors [link] Both blogs are required reading by amateur and professional illustrators alike. The original challenge to illustrate the scene of Eowyn facing the Witch King can be found here [link] The line-up of 160 submissions can be found here [link] And the judging, here [link] :)

The judges were stars in the industry and the pressure to bring awesomeness to the table was on - it was also a hard lesson in how real life can interfere, as in the week I'd set aside to cram in my entry, I was incredibly ill and my wife was also studying after hours. Nevertheless, I managed to enter at the last minute with a few misgivings about the figure of Eowyn specifically and still received a few wonderful comments which I'm extremely grateful for.

Here is the revised picture, taking into account the judge's critiques (comments came from Matt Stewart, Arnie Fenner, Donato Giancola and Dan Dos Santos). I'm proud of it and a little dizzy at having the names Dulac and Targete mentioned in the comments.
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636x900px 429.79 KB
© 2011 - 2025 jasonjuta
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Jioseph-superfan63's avatar
Great work in the details! You're very talented!