JasonEngle on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jasonengle/art/Ereshkigal-717925452JasonEngle

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JasonEngle's avatar




This is Ereshkigal, queen of Irkalla!
She is the first new piece done for my Mausolea project, since the launch of the site a few months ago. This piece has been mostly complete for much of that time, but there were a few things I wasn't quite happy with, and I wanted to wait until I was able to finish it properly. Travelling has its perks, but productivity aint one of em.
The link will take you to her character page, which will give you an idea of how all the characters will look when I have a chance to fully fill out the website with the backgrounds and flavor text for all the main personalities of Mausolea.
and of course, a direct link to the new print for purchase in the store, in case you're into this kind of stuff and want to support the project: www.mausolea.com/store/Ereshki…
Image size
1335x1728px 680.69 KB
Date Taken
Nov 29, 2017, 11:17:02 AM
© 2017 - 2024 JasonEngle
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SebastiansSire's avatar

This is beautiful but terrifying all at the same time.