jasmineofderpsalot on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jasmineofderpsalot/art/Finn-Plushie-317199365jasmineofderpsalot

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jasmineofderpsalot's avatar

Finn Plushie



My sister wanted me to make her a Finn plushie so I did. The doll is made entirely of felt and stands at around 10 inches. Ugh, it's crap compared to the other Finn plushies out there. (mainly because I'm not actually basing the doll on the real design) but hey, my sister thinks it's cute so I guess I did a good job. So yeah...not going to sell this because like I said before, I think it's crap and yeah...I'm such a Negative Nancy
Image size
900x600px 171.62 KB
© 2012 - 2024 jasmineofderpsalot
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Americanaooni's avatar
Also, can you let me know, note me (Or send me something on Tumblr), when the plushies are available for purchase? I am going to be busy doing crap all day and a few days after that.... ^^;
Getting ready for homeschooling.... :iconotlplz: