jasmineofderpsalot on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jasmineofderpsalot/art/Captain-Jack-Harkness-Plushie-380969465jasmineofderpsalot

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Captain Jack Harkness Plushie



Watch out ladies, gentlemen, and various other forms of life! Captain Jack Harkness is here!

So someone (sort of?) commissioned me to make a Captain Jack plushie and voila! The plushie stands at around 9 1/2 inches and is made entirely of felt. The coat has buttons and the eyes are made of buttons as well. I think he is a real cutie pie and I'll be selling him on my Etsy store at PocketfulofPlushies ([link] Hope you like him!
Image size
600x800px 143.6 KB
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