“Seeing him died in my arms was the most heartbreaking thing that’s happened to me Felicia, he was like a father to me and I made it my mission to continue on as what he taught me.” Emeth finished his tale as the redhead listened in to the story.(2 Timothy 2:1-3) Felicia was silent at the moment, feeling despondent of this High Knight’s loss as well of the experience he went through before his passing. The crew was silent during the whole trip until the computer started beeping of their destination is close, Johan has his hands to the controls and jump out of hyper speed to the headquarters of the Knights of the Realm. The White Lion soared down through the sky and made its way to the landing pad, it descended down slowly as the landing gear came out and landed gracefully and firmly. The crew came out and left the ship to the Knights fortress with Emeth leading the way, the team pass through the doors just as Johan spoke out loud, “ Emeth, I’ll take Felicia to the medical center and