JaredtheFox92's avatar


Continuing Art Trades.
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Deviation Spotlight

Amanda's BIG Day Act Five by JaredtheFox92, literature


Adriana trying to decide her evil supervillainess name!

Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
  • Jan 23
  • United States
  • Deviant for 14 years
Fancy Llama: Llamas are awesome! (1574)
Fortune Cookie Cake: You will soon eat something delectable (10)
Emerald: It's a great honor to be awarded an Emerald badge! (1)
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (8)
Diamond: It's the highest of honors to be awarded an exclusive Diamond badge! (8)
My Bio

I am Nerd and proud of it! My hobbies include gaming, especially the Metal Gear franchise. I also love to study and work on my homework. I Just want what is best for humanity, and I want to aid it any way possible. I also do my own art sometimes, but I write more efficient then I draw.

DISCLAIMER: All my stories, characters, and scenario's from the various fandoms I'm in are purely NON COMMERCIAL, NON CANNON, FAN WORKS. I encourage the sales, profit, and copyrights of the original scenario's and stories. ALL MY CHARACTERS AND IDEAS ARE NON PROFIT.

I roleplay, (but please keep it clean and acceptable with DA's policy.)
(Because dirty rps are no good.) :iconnogoodplz: DA stamp - Roleplays 002 by tppgraphics :iconrequestsopenplz:

Favorite genre of music: Techno, soothing trance, classical instrumental, Woodwig Von Beatoven and Amadaus Mozzart.
Favourite style of art: All that are "clean"
Favourite cartoon character: Dexster Boy Genius
Personal Quote: Alike minds think Great!

Grief: HEHEHEH Free Cake!!!!
me: Grief the cake is a spy!
Grief: ok, *eats the spy*
me: GRIEF?!?! you juat ate him? What do you have to say?
Grief: *burps* Spy is sapping mah stomach!!!

Trigger warning:

Flag: Georgia by TheStampKing Georgia Deviant Stamp by Ursa-Bear Georgia Peach stamp by Captain-Savvy Atlanta by MaElena

Anti Racism Stamp by Zeiphex DONALD TRUMP by propertyofkat

Yes to Trump (READ DESCRIPTION) by SweetlyCanada heterosexual =/= homophobe stamp by snippii

Everyone IS Equal by bradleysays Stamp: Pro Death Penalty by Riza-Izumi Religious vs. Secular Wars by MonocerosArts Moderate stamp by sunkissedsakura

Untitled by da knot zees - stamp by amnesiacthief Pro Stem Cells by PaleoClipperArt Science vs. God stamp by XxMidyBluexX

I Survived U.S. Election Year 2016 by SweetlyCanada

Mature Content

The Centrist's Stamp by phantom-inker
Christianity Doesn't Promote Murder or Rape. by MonocerosArts

Untitled by WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH SOCIETY THESE DAYS. by Melocotonela Being Christian Is About A Relationship by Rogue-Ranger Religion Stamp: Christianity by SparklingDust9

Untitled by First Amendement by Starlow-FTW Straight Pride Stamp - 004 by Straight-Pride

creationstamp by TFDs-stamps-r-us Truth vs. Opinion by sakumoon

My writing beliefs:

Proud fanfiction writer by DBTyrana

FLAWS ARE SEXY SHIT by xXxMiZuMiXmIkOxXx I Love Villains Stamp by Drknz1300 Villains Are My Heroes Stamp by dA--bogeyman Untitled by

I support writing English by FragileReveries STAMP: Character Research by Sage-Wren Writers Stamp by shadow-wolf-haunts FEE FI FO FUM by RoliStamps (I have a lot of these.)

Sphess :iconborealeplz:

Firaeveus Carron lol by Great-5 Firaeveus Carron lol by Great-5 violent art stamp by thechaosproject
Tzeentch cultist stamp by Big-Argonian

(I am an anime fan as well, but fantardism is no good :iconnogoodplz: )

Untitled by (Read your history. America did not want to enter WW1&2, Great Britain was courageous during WW2 while resisting the Nazi war machine. Japan was nowhere near innocent during the war, and 56,125,262 died during the war. There should not be an anime about countries in sexual relationships about WW2.)

Stamp - The World by shadowed-light-waves(
English American Stamp by RJDaae (Despite us being in different governments, having diversity and culture differences, and not being in the EU I feel happy to speak to my European counterparts, Rule, Britannia! )

Straight and support gay rights by Star-chaser97

Other fandoms:
Attack on Titan stamp by SolusNox Shingeki no Kyojin Stamp by Lskandar Heichou stamp by DorothyBomeraang

Untitled by - Godzilla Stamp - by FelipeChoque I SUPPORT GUNDAM WING by erana

Principality of Zeon Stamp by glorycolor SHINING FINGER Stamp by Teeter-Echidna

Metal Gear Solid Stamp by Sonira-Stamps Westwood stamp by kjthemighty

Kane Stamp by kjthemighty The Nod Stamp by Adder24

(Request) Anti Vore Stamp by KittyJewelpet78 FEE FI FO FUM by RoliStamps

A button for Grief's fans:

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Favourite Visual Artist
Favourite Movies
Star wars,Back to the future
Favourite TV Shows
None, I watch all my things online.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Favourite Books
Any good Warhammer 40,000 book worth it's salt.
Favourite Games
Any good stratgey game.
Favourite Gaming Platform
Glorious PC gaming master race.
Tools of the Trade
Anything I can think of.

Donation Pool

Donate to make Scylla comic remake!

Please help me gather enough points to commission mrmoosegts so I can get a remake of this comic.



804/3200 points

This year, I'm going to update the Jakura Faction from my Flawed Deities lore. Which pick should I update first?

5 votes
W.I.P: Jakuran Grallite Warrior
W.I.P: Jakuran Grallite Warrior

Start off with updating their basic Graulite Warriors. Their infantry.

Jakuran Death Witch
Jakuran Death Witch

Update their Death Witches, their crazed coven of huntresses.

Lord Varamath the Abominable
Lord Varamath the Abominable

Update and reboot their king, Varamath. The leader of the faction.

Elissia the Hag
Elissia the Hag

No, update his mother Ellisia the Hag. Their matriarch religious head.

Jakuran Ashra Karr
Jakuran Ashra Karr

Their diplomatic mage guys look cool. Very tribal and scout like.

Jakuran Bleak Pyramid
Jakuran Bleak Pyramid

Perhaps make a visual depiction of their homeland and pyramids?

Vashurian Spearman Warrior
Vashurian Spearman Warrior

I prefer the Vashuri, 'French' speaking Canadian high elven deer.

Perhaps come up with more 'unit' types and roles for their army?

Emilie's Really Bad Mood
Emilie's Really Bad Mood

You could make a story where the Jakura meet another OC from the story

Order Trooper Under Cover
Order Trooper Under Cover

Fantasy bores me, get back to plasma guns and superpowers.

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I just pulled a bunch of Pokemon from my past. Which of these Pokemon are the best that I've pulled thus far?

9 votes

Mankey, the monkey Pokemon that took Ash's hat in the first season.

Shroomish, the mushroom pokemon that I got in Ruby and Saphire.

Sandshrew, the good old shrew and dirt pokemon from the the 90's.

Magneton, the good old magnet Pokemon from the first generation.

Toadidile, the dancing crocodile one from Generation Two.

Zigzagoon, one of your starters from Ruby that you caught first!

Zoobat, the bat pokemon that I caught back in Ruby.

Absol, the emo Pokemon that you got in Ruby.

Umbreon, yep I've even pulled an Umbreon! The internet loves those.

I got a Plusle, this one was hard to find in Pokemon Ruby.

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I shall play my first match of AOS this weekend against the Kruelboyz, what should my tactics be for this battle?

2 votes

Try to take and hold ground, get on the objectives as much as you can.

Try to divert the Kruelboy'z focus away from the middle of the table.

Try to encircle the enemy and use your portal to flank behind them.

Focus on taking out their chaff, (gutrippas and Hobgoblens.)

Try to push into melee range and get them tied up so they cannot fire.

This battle will be rough without any archers or mages on your end.

Use your chariot to either distract or pick off some with it's bow.

Try to take out either their Killboss, or if they have a shaman hero.

Try to draw open up two fronts to divert their fire. Divide et impera.

I know nothing of Warhammer, so I can't help you. Good luck though.

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I had fun at the bowling alley tonight. My friend Jacob beat me, but hey. I will get started on the next batch of art trades tomorrow. It's too late coming home for tonight.
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Update: I'm going to work on more art trades this week after I go bowling tonight.
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It has come to my attention that some smooth brained nitwits on here consider me 'against the LGBT' community. Well this is an outright falsehood and couldn't be further from the truth. For starters, a lot of people in my Discord server are in the LGBT community and we all have cordial relations with one another. Second, I have various LGBT characters in my setting: .Scylla (Bisexual) .Monica (Lesbian .Herman (Homosexual) .Augusta (Lesbian) .Emilie (Lesbian) .Wanda Lesbian) .Tyrenous (Presumed bisexual). .Cyrus (homosexual) I am also not of the MGTOW community, however I do believe in the 'going my own way' philosophy. I have no formal connection to the Manosphere, but the radical wokoids of the internet have pushed me to go against them. I also consider myself a conservative-centrist, not a die hard Republican. Seriously internet, stop the cap. Lying gets you nowhere in life.
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Short Update: Today is my birthday party and we're celebrating with my family by going to Chilis. Tomorrow I will be out getting some things and on Monday night I go bowling. So I'm taking a short break, but I plan on getting back to art trades this week after that is all done as I have finished most of my Warhammer projects that I currently have.
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I'm working on a small picture that I got inspired by of Kid Scylla, which of these two scenarios do you want to see?

10 votes
Kid Scylla Catches Tail's Plane
Kid Scylla Catches Tail's Plane

Kid Scylla waving to Tails in the distance as his plane approaches.

Kid Scylla Has A BIG Crush On Tails
Kid Scylla Has A BIG Crush On Tails

Perhaps a 'boss battle' picture of her if she were in Sonic Chronicles

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Which AOS model would you like to see me post first on Deviantart? (Painted and finished.)

7 votes

The Stormstrike Palladors, your gryphon knight Calvary! Chicken horses

Your Stormreach Portal, big lovely portal model terrain feature.

Your Annihilators , aka your 'Sundowner' shield bros with hammers.

Your Vanquishers, aka your longswordsmen (and women) with long swords.

The Lord-Relictor (named Ivan), your battle Chaplain for Stormcast.

The Knight-Vellexor, aka the big flag wielder boy.

The Stormstrike Chariot, a Chariot with archer with gryphons.

Yndrasta the Celestial Blade, aka your hero character hunts monsters

Get the Reclusions done and paint everyone else after them while dry.

I prefer your normal artwork over your Warhammer models tbh.

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Profile Comments 24.9K

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are you commissioner ?

Are you asking if I take commissions or do I commission others?

Well I mostly make Sonic Ocs and usually when I'm interested in commissioning someone I tend to come to them first over notes.

hello sir do you do art trade?

Yes, mostly depends on what you're looking for though.