I am Nerd and proud of it! My hobbies include gaming, especially the Metal Gear franchise. I also love to study and work on my homework. I Just want what is best for humanity, and I want to aid it any way possible. I also do my own art sometimes, but I write more efficient then I draw.
DISCLAIMER: All my stories, characters, and scenario's from the various fandoms I'm in are purely NON COMMERCIAL, NON CANNON, FAN WORKS. I encourage the sales, profit, and copyrights of the original scenario's and stories. ALL MY CHARACTERS AND IDEAS ARE NON PROFIT.
I roleplay, (but please keep it clean and acceptable with DA's policy.)
(Because dirty rps are no good.)
Favorite genre of music: Techno, soothing trance, classical instrumental, Woodwig Von Beatoven and Amadaus Mozzart.
Favourite style of art: All that are "clean"
Favourite cartoon character: Dexster Boy Genius
Personal Quote: Alike minds think Great!
Grief: HEHEHEH Free Cake!!!!
me: Grief the cake is a spy!
Grief: ok, *eats the spy*
me: GRIEF?!?! you juat ate him? What do you have to say?
Grief: *burps* Spy is sapping mah stomach!!!
Trigger warning:
Please help me gather enough points to commission mrmoosegts so I can get a remake of this comic.
Perhaps come up with more 'unit' types and roles for their army?
Mankey, the monkey Pokemon that took Ash's hat in the first season.
Shroomish, the mushroom pokemon that I got in Ruby and Saphire.
Sandshrew, the good old shrew and dirt pokemon from the the 90's.
Magneton, the good old magnet Pokemon from the first generation.
Toadidile, the dancing crocodile one from Generation Two.
Zigzagoon, one of your starters from Ruby that you caught first!
Zoobat, the bat pokemon that I caught back in Ruby.
Absol, the emo Pokemon that you got in Ruby.
Umbreon, yep I've even pulled an Umbreon! The internet loves those.
I got a Plusle, this one was hard to find in Pokemon Ruby.
Try to take and hold ground, get on the objectives as much as you can.
Try to divert the Kruelboy'z focus away from the middle of the table.
Try to encircle the enemy and use your portal to flank behind them.
Focus on taking out their chaff, (gutrippas and Hobgoblens.)
Try to push into melee range and get them tied up so they cannot fire.
This battle will be rough without any archers or mages on your end.
Use your chariot to either distract or pick off some with it's bow.
Try to take out either their Killboss, or if they have a shaman hero.
Try to draw open up two fronts to divert their fire. Divide et impera.
I know nothing of Warhammer, so I can't help you. Good luck though.
The Stormstrike Palladors, your gryphon knight Calvary! Chicken horses
Your Stormreach Portal, big lovely portal model terrain feature.
Your Annihilators , aka your 'Sundowner' shield bros with hammers.
Your Vanquishers, aka your longswordsmen (and women) with long swords.
The Lord-Relictor (named Ivan), your battle Chaplain for Stormcast.
The Knight-Vellexor, aka the big flag wielder boy.
The Stormstrike Chariot, a Chariot with archer with gryphons.
Yndrasta the Celestial Blade, aka your hero character hunts monsters
Get the Reclusions done and paint everyone else after them while dry.
I prefer your normal artwork over your Warhammer models tbh.
are you commissioner ?
Are you asking if I take commissions or do I commission others?
both ?
Well I mostly make Sonic Ocs and usually when I'm interested in commissioning someone I tend to come to them first over notes.
hello sir do you do art trade?
Yes, mostly depends on what you're looking for though.