Be nice to me
No Rude, dramatic or Spam Comments Allowed
Do not steal anything of mine
No Kid Show Bashers/Tormentors Allowed
No Girly-Girl Bashers Allowed
No Cartoon Bashers Allowed
No spamming whatsoever
No Trolls or rabid haters allowed
No disrepecting my opinions or anyone else's opinion
No harassing or forcing me or my friends to like or hate such things
Do not do Hate Art about Me, My Friends, or My OC's
Do not repeatedly pester me to do such things
I don't do:
- Pervy pictures
- Fat people
- anything 18+ subjected pictures
- toilet scenes
- Humans (because I'm bad at drawing humans like Kii.)
- Anthro (because I don't know how to)
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So, how goes the Angry Birds Cartoon Network version going?
Hi there! How are you doing today?