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Watercolor Emico: Silver



Watercolor Emico: Silver

So.. almost a year after I've started working on this skin the 1st style is finally done. This version contains the Silver substyles with a "Modern" and a "Classic" taskbar.
This skin is based on the skin called "Watercolor". It's a skin that was being used in the beta's of XP.


How to install:

Extract the folder called "WE Silver" to "C:\WINDOWS\Resources\Themes".
Right click the desktop > properties > appearance > then from the first drop select "Watercolor Emico: Silver"
From the 2nd drop downlist you can make a choice between the "Modern" and the "Classic" taskbar.
In the 3rd drop downlist you can make a choice between a "Normal" or a "Compact" start panel.

To use this theme you need to patch the Windows system file uxtheme.dll. You can read about how to do that here: [link]

"bugs" I know of:
* Some palet frames arent drawn the correct way. (Now idea how to fix this yet)
* In some webbrowsers the buttons might be resized the wrong way. (Browser bug)
* Multi row taskbar does not look good in the Modern substyle. (Theme)

For personal use only.


Bug fixes and updates:

- Added the shellstyle


I don't know where I downloaded this wallpaper so I uploaded it. Here is the link: Glass Windows.



If you feel like contributing to this skin with application skins then go ahead and make them. All you have to do is ask me for permission by email with a screenshot.
My email address is: makeshift.grey@gmail.com.

For more info about further progress, application skins etc. read the journal that I've made on deviantART: Watercolor Emico: Further progress and info



Credits go out to all the beta testers.
Credits also go out to tornado5 aka em3.
Thanks to Des and Scirwode for helping me out with the shellstyles.
Thanks to euphoricallydead for notifying me about some bugs after the first release.


Please give me some feedback about the skin.
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victor2345235's avatar

the wallpaper link broke out :(

if you're reading this please reuload it again because it is great