Jammerlee on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jammerlee/art/Stamp-Fanchars-are-not-OCs-146957708Jammerlee

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Stamp: Fanchars are not OCs



UPDATE: I AM NOW IGNORING ANY QUESTIONS I HAVE ALREADY ANSWERED. I'm tired of repeating myself. Have a question in regard to this stamp? READ THE COMMENTS FIRST. I've most likely already answered someone else over the exact same thing.

This is a major major pet peeve of mine, and it confuses the crap out of me. Why are the terms "fanchar" and "original character" used interchangeably? A fanchar is a character created within the universe of another person's marketed work - Sonic the Hedgehog, Inuyasha, Harry Potter, whatever - a fandom, if you will. While an original character belongs to the universe created by that person's mind.

My character Darian Shiloh is an original character. He exists within Idika, an original story I'm writing not based off of any pre-existing fandom. My character Midnight the Bat is a fanchar. She exists within the Sonic the Hedgehog universe. My character Lance Argentum has both an original incarnation in Idika, and a fanchar incarnation in Sonic the Hedgehog. It's... really not that hard.

It took me ages to realize people were using these terms interchangeably when "OC" became popularized - it still causes me confusion, actually.

And for the record, I don't really care if you don't agree with my opinion, and I don't care what kind of arguments you have against it either. I've heard them all, and I find them incredibly weak. Can you market the character without infringement? No? Then it's a fanchar. Don't agree? Fine. But I refuse to change my opinion about this.


Stamp: I support Semi-Canons by JammerleeStamp: Characters are children by Jammerlee Stamp: Mary-Sue Potential by Jammerlee

Other stamps I've made: jamieswiftrunner.deviantart.coโ€ฆ
Stamps I've collected: jamieswiftrunner.deviantart.coโ€ฆ
Image size
99x56px 9.33 KB
ยฉ 2009 - 2024 Jammerlee
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SloppyPears-ASH-SG's avatar

Oof. Terms.

I like this stamp.