NYCC - 2015

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JamieFayX's avatar

I'll be at NYCC next weekend at Table H5 in Artist Alley. I'll be there selling copies of all of :icondrumfishproductions: ' books: Neverminds and Sentinels. i'll each have tons of prints, original art and I'll be doing commissions!

Stop by and say HI! Buy some books! Buy some prints! Get a commission!!!

I'll be taking a small list of pre-con commissions. Note me if interested. My pre-con list is almost closed. Here are my prices:

I have prices from $15 to $100:

9x12 Options -
$15 - inked bust (head to chest)
$25 - colored bust
$40 - inked half body (head to thighs)
$50 - colored half body
$60 - inked full body
$75 - colored full body

11x17 options -
$40 - inked bust
$60 - colored bust
$60 - inked half boby
$80 - colored half body
$80 - inked full body
$100 - colored full body

Let me know if you are interested in getting on my list. If you are planning on getting something at the show, I get to spend more time on these and you'll you'll receive a better piece of art.

If there is a piece not in my print folder -… - let me know, and I may add it to the list to bring :) (Smile)

Also, check out :iconrichbernatovech: and other :icondrumfishproductions: creators at Table D12 for all things Drumfish (merchandise, books, statues, etc.) as well as his amazing prints!!

Thanks in advance for the continued support! I appreciate it!


Upcoming Conventions
NYCC - October 8-11

2016 Con Appearances - Coming Soon!

If attending a con and want on my list, please contact me. I take a small list before each con and work on the pieces beforehand. You get a better piece :) (Smile)

Drumfish Productions books on Sale

Pick up your copies of my creator-woned book, NeverMinds!

NeverMinds #1
Drumfish Store (physical copy) -…
Comixology (digital copy) -…

NeverMinds #2
Drumfish Store (physical copy) -…
Comixology (digital pdf) -…

NeverMinds #3
Drumfish Store (physical copy) -…
Comixology (digital pdf) -…

NeverMinds #4
Drumfish Store (physical copy) -…
Comixology (digital pdf) -…

You can also find us and all of our tiltes - Sentinels, NeverMinds and Bugged - on Comixology:…

© 2015 - 2024 JamieFayX
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Any word on older pending commissions?