JamieFayX on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jamiefayx/art/Lightning-Storm-260837227JamieFayX

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Lightning Storm



:iconwitchysaint: put down some amazing color for my storm picture! everything she does is just gorgeous!!

this will be a print i'll be having at cons from now on. thanks, danielle. she turned out lovely! just like i knew she would!!

lines/inks by me :iconwindriderx23:

colors by :iconwitchysaint:

storm © marvel comics
Image size
792x1224px 309.84 KB
© 2011 - 2024 JamieFayX
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    We can't even see her whole body here, but there's no need to!  This one illustration lays to rest the debate of who the most beautiful woman in comics is!  ( suck it, Wonder Woman! ) I believe it's the skin-tone here that makes the difference!  Her perfectly-symmetricalized boobs don't hurt the equation, either.  There's an exchange of dialogue from the early-Nineties "X-Men" cartoon that I remember quite well, concerning the Angel's involuntary transformation from the Angel into Archangel, which Warren was quite unhappy about- he has holed up inside one of his Manhattan properties, as the X-Men arrive to try to help him in the X-Jet: Storm: "Better let me go inside and talk to him- I'm the one he loves. " Wolverine: "No! Better it be me! I'm the one he HATES."   I have always known the Angel loves Storm ( see 'Classic X-Men'#1 ) and it's very gratifying when someone else somewhere else acknowledges it!