JamieFayX on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jamiefayx/art/Iceman-X-MEN-BLUE-710113200JamieFayX

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Iceman - X-MEN BLUE



Here is my take on Iceman from X-MEN BLUE! I love the look of the team n this book. Now they just need to give Bloodstorm a matching look, make Polaris a stronger player in the book and a matching look.

This was done for NYCC 2017. They changed the location and Artist Alley was less then half the size that it usually is. The majority of indie creators I know, didn't get their approval until early to mid-September. That left very little time to prepare and have new stuff for the show. I was lucky to get 3 new pieces done. This is one of them.

Lines/Inks by me :iconjamiefayx:

Colors by :icondstpierre:

Iceman © Marvel Comics
Image size
3300x5100px 2.44 MB
© 2017 - 2024 JamieFayX
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