Warcraft - SuccubusJamesRyman on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jamesryman/art/Warcraft-Succubus-93192481JamesRyman

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JamesRyman's avatar

Warcraft - Succubus



Done for the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game.

Upper Deck Entertainment 2008, Blizzard Entertainment 2008

Photshop 7
Image size
559x800px 316.7 KB
© 2008 - 2025 JamesRyman
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DistractingSausage's avatar

First time looking at this from the top down be like 'wow, nice horns - alright she's got glowing blue eyes and fangs, that's cool - okay... add armoured side boob and midriff to the list... - she's got a whip too? ...wait, how is it managing to arch behind h- ohhh DAMN. well, um... yeah. very... um, very nice. SHADING. very nice shading. the light really accentuates her, yeah... stance. I also like how the base of her tail protrudes from the, err... that is to say HER, um... - fuck it. well, apparently I've got a stiffy going, sooo... yeah. she'd probably want that in mortals, thinking about it. easier to to take down when we're, um... agitated. damn her to the twisting bloody nether. moving on down - AAAAAND my Johnson has changed its mind, it wants NOTHING to do with those hooves, holy crap'