Kallisti IV Art Request - HunterShyjamescorck on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jamescorck/art/Kallisti-IV-Art-Request-HunterShy-451953994jamescorck

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Kallisti IV Art Request - HunterShy



Request drawn during the Kallisti IV Stream for Bronies for Good and Your Siblings to help GalaCon.

This was requested by HeadlongEquestria who asked for Fluttershy in a Hunter Armor from World of Warcraft. Now, I am sure I am going to have a good couple of guys coming at me saying that I got the armor wrong. In a videogame that has so many different armor designs for just one character class, I will be genuinely happy if I managed to make it look at least similar to any of them. It took me longer to find a reference picture than to finish this one!

I originally went for a forest background, but that one went nowhere fast. I think a fire/volcano/lava/flames background does a lot better for it. It's been a while since I've drawn Fluttershy in a badass setting, and I thought this was an interesting request to take. Tell me what you guys think in the comments!

Art by James Corck
Image size
1200x716px 1.08 MB
© 2014 - 2025 jamescorck
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AlicornHybrid88's avatar
Ya know...when I first saw this, I thought she was wearing Discord's head (or a mock-up of). I think it looks awesome, though, even if my knowledge of Warcraft is limited to a handful of critters currently in my brother's account....