Kallisti III Art Request - Wild Applesjamescorck on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jamescorck/art/Kallisti-III-Art-Request-Wild-Apples-380308783jamescorck

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Kallisti III Art Request - Wild Apples



Request drawn during the Kallisti III Stream for Bronies for Good and Your Siblings to help GalaCon and BUCK.

This was requested by Valnar1001_ who asked for Applejack and Braeburn looking like the main characters of "Wild Arms". Now, I am not a huge fan of Japanese RPGs or Anime in general. I am really detached from Japanese culture, so I know next to nothing about Wild Arms. All I know is that there seems to be a lot of games of it out there, so I basically Googled "Wild Arms" and picked the result that best fitted Applejack and Braeburn, so it happened to be these two. There is always something really cool about Applejack handling a rifle like that, wouldn't you agree?

Art by James Corck
Applejack and Braeburn come from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Image size
1000x790px 968.74 KB
© 2013 - 2025 jamescorck
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