Kallisti III Art Request - Trunky Gildajamescorck on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jamescorck/art/Kallisti-III-Art-Request-Trunky-Gilda-380307336jamescorck

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Kallisti III Art Request - Trunky Gilda



Request drawn during the Kallisti III Stream for Bronies for Good and Your Siblings to help GalaCon and BUCK.

This was requested by Valnar1001_ who asked for Gilda dressed in Trunk's clothes from Dragon Ball Z, the blue jacket ones, and a green scouter. This was the warm up drawing, which is why it's so sketchy and looks quite so frantic. This is the very first time I draw anything Dragon Ball related, despite how big my country is on Dragon Ball (here in Spain is kind of a huge deal).

Have Gilda dressed as Trunks.

Art by James Corck
Gilda comes from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Image size
800x522px 480.26 KB
© 2013 - 2025 jamescorck
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4ScarfAce4's avatar
What kind of weapon is that? It looks like some kind of sword, but I can't be sure.