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I Will Never Leave You - Page 8



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And thus ends the eight page opening of the comic. We'll be sure to update it page by page in the future over time as we explore into the Endless Winter and the search for a new land.

One bit of symbolism that wasn't in the original script, I added storm clouds on the bottom of the picture. This is to show how Pansy and Hurricane are past the storm and now move into a brighter and more hopeful future for the both of them.

This is it for now! The first eight pages of a fairly long comic. We hope you all enjoyed reading it, and we hope you all look forward to the next ones.

Art by James Corck.
Story by Rated R. Ponystar
Image size
1935x2449px 5.91 MB
© 2013 - 2024 jamescorck
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Animatorsnake's avatar
Flag bearer is a cool job