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I Will Never Leave You - Page 27



I'm not the biggest fan of this page, I have to say. That classroom background took a while to figure out, and it wasn't even that fun to work with in the first place. I don't like classrooms. They are dull and not exactly stimulating. They are the next worst thing to cloudy voids with nothing happening in them. And on that note, yeah. Not a fan of all these clouds either. This description has turned into "old man yells at cloud". Although not that amusing.

Ah well. At least working on the characters was really fun, and drawing Dash and Shy as pre-teens was also quite enjoyable.

I hope you guys enjoy it. Please, feel free to share your ideas, thoughts and theories in the comments.

We do promise to get a page out each month at the very least, but there is a way you can help us with getting these out faster, and that is to support :iconrated-r-ponystar: on Patreon. He's paying for all the pages and currently is struggling to not just support this project but other art comic projects of his as well.


Every and all support is welcome.
If you donate more money to him, he can pay me for the future comic pages faster, as well as any other projects we plan on working together for such as his big project “Fallen Dusk” which you can read about on his patreon milestone goal list.

We are glad to be working on this again and we hope you guys donate so this comic can continue forward without delay.

You can check a full collection of work in progress shots on the following links: TUMBLR - BACKGROUND - COLORS

Please, let me know what you think, of both this page and the series, in the comments.

Art by James Corck.

Story by Rated R. Ponystar

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And it's not at all because you don't like to fly home alone, right?