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I Will Never Leave You - Page 18



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I like to think we did this page to compensate for all the darkness and bleakness of the previous one. Right after seeing Hurricane's nightmare, where all the pony kind was assassinated by the Wendigos, seeing something more warm and welcome was necessary. I was really happy working through this page, and I think it shows in the end result.

This is the point of the story where things start getting better for our protagonists. This is where the legend of the six ponies of Hearths Warming Eve comes together, where their friendship carried them through the blizzard and thanks to which they managed to fund the land of Equestria. I wanted to emphasize the narration of this page through the use of color and lighting. The page is full of warm purples, pinks, oranges and yellows, and it only gets warmer as the panels go on. However everything around Commander Hurricane remains darker, almost desaturated, sad and with some strokes of blue and grey. It's not until Pansy offers her some of her rations that she's brought into the warmth of the story.

It feels good to put another page out there, especially now that we are into Hearths Warming Eve days.

Please, feel free to share your ideas, thoughts and theories in the comments.

We do promise to get a page out each month at the very least, but there is a way you can help us with getting these out faster, and that is to support :iconrated-r-ponystar: on Patreon. He's paying for all the pages and currently is struggling to not just support this project but other art comic projects of his as well.


Every and all support is welcome.
If you donate more money to him, he can pay me for the future comic pages faster, as well as any other projects we plan on working together for such as his big project “Fallen Dusk” which you can read about on his patreon milestone goal list.

We are glad to be working on this again and we hope you guys donate so this comic can continue forward without delay.

Please, let me know what you think, of both this page and the series, in the comments.

Art by James Corck.

Story by Rated R. Ponystar

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1935x2449px 5.85 MB
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