Fanart - MLP. Wubbing Laserjamescorck on DeviantArt

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Fanart - MLP. Wubbing Laser



Commission for :iconfernindt:

In the line of superheroes and super-villains I've been posting here lately, here you have a Vinyl Scratch version of Cyclops from the comic series "Sonata du Octave" written by Fernin. Vinchenza “Vinyl” Scratch is always ready for the next thrill, be it DJing for an illegal underground rave or turning her crippling handicap into a powerful crime-fighting weapon. That is, when she isn't getting her plot handed to herself by Doctor Octave!

This one was a lot of fun to work on, as I try my best to improve the way I draw with grey scales and a limited color palette. There is a lot of fun on working on superhero pictures, as I've always wanted to do my own superhero stories and illustrations, so doing these is turning into a treat in and on itself. Expect one more coming in the current set!

Art by James Corck
Image size
1250x732px 974.72 KB
© 2015 - 2025 jamescorck
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This is perhaps the best deal on our list as it is a set for 6 players. The power tag laser tag set includes 4 laser guns, 4 shields and 2 battle blasters. Remember, it only comes with 2 battle blasters. So, what you are ultimately getting is 4 vests and 6 laser shooters. Also, you can only select four colors on the gun only offers four 
best-laser-tag-sets 2019
  colors meaning that only four teams can participate on the game. Even after that, having those two battle blasters can add more to your experience with the gun. It is something whole family can have fun with. The price is also perfect but remember, you will be needing a whole lot of batteries to power up the whole set.