Fanart - MLP. Sanguine Kindness. Illustration 1jamescorck on DeviantArt

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jamescorck's avatar

Fanart - MLP. Sanguine Kindness. Illustration 1



[Cover] [Illustration 1] [Illustration 2] [Illustration 3] [Illustration 4] [Illustration 5] [Illustration 6] [Illustration 7] [Illustration 8] [Illustration 9] [Illustration 10] [Illustration 11] [Illustration 12]

Commission for :iconrated-r-ponystar:

This is an illustration for a fanfic called "Sanguine Kindness" that is being written by Rated Ponystar.

You can read the fanfic right here -> Sanguine Kindness.

This illustration belongs to Chapter 1, The Death of Kindness.

The poor mare appeared half dead from the condition of her faded yellow fur. It almost looked like she’d been dipped in bleach. Her eyes were completely bloodshot, and she wiped away tears that slowly slid down her face and into her runny nose. Her mane was an absolute mess, something that would give Rarity an aneurysm if she ever saw it. Fluttershy’s wings looked like they hadn’t been preened and she was barely standing, ready to collapse at a moment’s notice.

Fluttershy opened her mouth to speak when her eyes widened and she started to cough again. Applejack made sure she was out of the way as Fluttershy covered her mouth with her hoof, saliva spitting out with each hack. It went on for a good while, longer than most coughing fits Applejack had heard, and she was forced to watch as each cough dragged Fluttershy closer to the ground while Angel patted her back.

It's interesting how this kind of productions work. This is the first illustration of the fanfic (story wise) but it's actually the last one I worked on. Drawing in Photoshop using just black and white (and a couple more colors) reminds me of working with charcoals in art school. My Little Pony has a really vivid and rich color palette, so sucking out the color of the picture and leaving it all in grey scales limits my options, which forces me to become creative. I would have been incapable of pulling this picture off without the great descriptions written by Rated. Hooray for team work!

There are many more to come in the future everyone, so be ready.

Art by James Corck
Image size
1200x790px 692.61 KB
© 2014 - 2025 jamescorck
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