jamescorck on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jamescorck/art/Fanart-MLP-Princess-Mac-s-Fine-Steed-446478682jamescorck

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jamescorck's avatar

Fanart - MLP. Princess Mac's Fine Steed



He is the most elegant, regal and happiest of Princesses in Equestria and he soars through the skies riding his faithful steed Smarty Pants.

I don't know how this idea came to be, but I remember this was during one of my most successful request streams in a while. I remember I was doing Princess related stuff, and amongst all the Princesses that rule all over Equestria there is no more regal, no more powerful, no more adorable Princess than Princess Big Mac. I honestly don't know what I was thinking about when I said "Yes!" but I definitely don't regret taking this one because it was a blast. That background was a nightmare to work through, though. Who thought cotton candy clouds could be so impossible to render properly?

I also used this picture as a test field to improve the one thing that's a constant source of problems in my art. It's not the sketch, the colors, the shading or even the backgrounds, but the inking. My inking is an endless source of multiple problems that I need to put under control if I don't want to see the quality of future pictures be diminished. As for why Big Mac is able to ride Smarty Pants, he either grew small or Twilight made the doll huge, and then applied a "Come to Life" spell that turned the toy into a living breathing steed. Yes, that makes sense!

Art by James Corck.
Image size
1200x887px 1.41 MB
© 2014 - 2024 jamescorck
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Lunyesca's avatar
Little did you know that this dream idea would become canon in S5. Pretty similar design too.