Fanart - MLP. Flutter-Hammocjamescorck on DeviantArt

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Fanart - MLP. Flutter-Hammoc



Request drawn during my Fluttershy-themed stream last year.

I have a pile of requests and sketches unfinished from last year, so I am going to be finishing them in between commissions. I went for this one first because it was almost fully completed. I needed to compensate for poor Fluttershy after making her allergic to light in the previous picture. Think she is enjoying some sun rays after the Vampire Fruit Bat has been removed from her system.

She looks so happy and peaceful. She's a nice pony. Also, she's reading Dracula.

Art by James Corck.
Image size
1200x734px 992.21 KB
© 2014 - 2024 jamescorck
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4ScarfAce4's avatar
Sunlight on a hammock ... during this winter. Eh, at least I'm in Europe.