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Fanart - MLP. Cinematic Selfie



Commission for :icondan475: featuring his OC and :iconprettycure69:'s OC.

Have Movie Slate with her friends, Thunder Hooves (left) and Sonic Boom (right), going to the movies!

This one is a long overdue commission, and it feels wonderful to finally complete it and upload it for all you guys to see. The concept behind this one was rather simple yet something I've never tried to do before which is to recreate something that's usually done in real life (a selfie) on a drawing. Thankfully I'm the kind of guy that thrives before a challenge, so I went ahead with this one and gave it my best shot.

I'm not particularly happy with the background on this one because it came out too simple and I spent too much time trying to figure out the inclination of the camera and how much we'd see of the cinema. In the end it didn't matter much since the characters fill 75% of the picture! I think the ponies look a lot better than the background though, and I feel pretty happy with how Movie Slate's mane worked out in the overall composition. Her face is nicely framed between her hair strands. If I have the chance, I'll draw more selfie-style pictures, with either ponies or anthro characters. It can be a good way to practice perspective!

Despite the movie on the theater being "The Force Awakens" don't take this as an indication of upcoming Movie Slate reviews for it. I'm still trying to pick one idea out of the many it has given me. That was a really good movie, so reviewing it is something that must be handled really carefully. The other movies advertised on the upcoming releases are "Deadpool" and "Batman VS Superman: Dawn of Justice".

I hope you guys enjoy the picture!

Please, let me know what you think of it in the comments. I appreciate each and every single one I receive.

Thank you!

You can check the picture on Movie Slate's blog right here.

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Image size
1250x737px 1.22 MB
© 2016 - 2024 jamescorck
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Nautical-Nebula's avatar
My Sonic Boom looks absolutely amazing in this picture. I love it. You've done a fabulous job